A Photographer Visited Chernobyl And Caught These Incredible Infrared Images


The Chernobyl accident was one of the most notorious events of the 20th century. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 4 nuclear reactor suffered a nuclear catastrophe on April 26, 1986, not far from the Ukrainian city of Pripyat. It is regarded as the greatest nuclear accident in history, and nearly 35 years later, its repercussions are still being felt. Using a full spectrum camera and a 590nm infrared filter, Russian photographer Vladimir Migutin visited the region near the abandoned power plant and was able to take these amazing pictures.

The Sarcophagus of the Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl

The abandoned remnants of what was once a fully operational industrial complex are expertly captured in a haunting panoramic photograph of the nuclear power station in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The stark pink sky against the ominous grey power plant is unsettling and makes it clear to the observer that this region has a troubled past.

The Monumental Trail With The Names Of The Villages That Were Evacuated On Each Side

Monumental Trail

Here, he took a photo of the grand trail, which is marked with markers bearing the names of adjacent villages that had been evacuated. In addition to the astounding number of villages, whether on purpose or by accident, the signs’ cross-like appearance gives the impression that a graveyard is present.

Frequently approaching groups in the exclusion zone, this lovely fox begs for food.

fox begs for food

One of the many creatures that continue to reside in the vicinity of Chernobyl is this cheeky little fellow, Simon, a fox that gets along well with people. Even though there are animals here, Simon’s emaciated frame and wistful gaze wonderfully capture how difficult life must be.

Ukraine’s Pripyat Ghost Town

Ukraine's Pripyat Ghost Town

It’s true that Pripyat is a deserted city, and this haunting image proves it. The ruins of what were once vibrant residential tower complexes are being slowly devoured by the trees, and the stark contrast in hue between the cement and the forest is very striking.

Pripyat’s Azure Swimming Pool

Pripyat's Azure Swimming Pool

Another amazing illustration of what’s left of a once-inhabited community. This is the Pripyat swimming pool known as the Azure, which had a diving board, a viewing area, and perhaps hundreds of enthusiastic swimmers. The image portrays the quiet that has now descended upon this formerly bustling public space.

The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone’s forest contains butterflies and flowers.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone's forest

We discover light in the pitch-blackness, and this image is vibrant. These flowers and butterflies adorn the woodland inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, where nature has flourished in places where humans have abandoned it. Beautiful hues can be seen in the picture, and it’s amazing to imagine that such brilliance can be found in the middle of a nuclear wasteland.

In the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a deserted farm

deserted farm

The remains of an abandoned farm inside the exclusion zone attest to Chernobyl’s and the region’s devastation. This image leaves you with a sensation of emptiness that is unmasked by the lovely sky and the developing trees. A faded “Men At Work” sign on the cabin’s side almost makes one cry because there hasn’t been any work or human life here for many years.

The deteriorating grand piano in Pripyat’s concert hall

deteriorating grand piano

This is quite touching. Inside Pripyat’s concert hall, where past inhabitants of the abandoned ghost town would have spent evenings of entertainment, a grand piano is decaying. The most striking aspect of this picture is how the piano’s skeleton stands out despite the fact that the flooring around it is in utter disarray.